Pride Month

Dear Beauties,

We realize it's June, and we haven't done anything to honor Pride Month. It's not that we don't want to engage; it's just that we don't want this to be misconstrued as an opportunity for us to capitalize on the LQBTQIA2S+ community.

If you don't know, our motto is "Beauté for All." "Beauté for All, Regardless of Age, Sex, Skin Color, Religion, or Socioeconomic Status" is our lengthier version. We believe that diversity and representation in the community should be a daily occurrence. Across all of our channels, we support and will continue to support ALL of our Beauties, everyday day of the year, not just in a single month.

We're all aware that several businesses are adding the rainbow flag to their logos and offering product bundles/deals & promotions. For us, however, Pride Month means embracing who you are and loving yourself for it. There's no shame in being or loving who you are. Love is love, and we are all entitled to it.

Makeup is a powerful tool, and we provide makeup products to help our Beauties fall more in love with themselves. That’s all, nothing more.


the Ace Beauté Team